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Stop Racism
Posted by St Low
Friday, 05 September 2008 22:55
During the training session, a lecturer denied the citizenship of non-Malays and called them outsiders. He then pointed at a Chinese student and said: "The country belongs to Malays, you do not deserve anything."
Friday, 05 September 2008 22:55
During the training session, a lecturer denied the citizenship of non-Malays and called them outsiders. He then pointed at a Chinese student and said: "The country belongs to Malays, you do not deserve anything."
It is not necessary for me to repeat other insulting and belittling words.
I received a call from a mother two weeks ago. She told me that her daughter is a government school teacher and has recently been scheduled for a training course.
All the Indian and Chinese students were angry and sad after listening to the lecturer's remarks. However, they dared not retort on the spot.
"How many young souls have been hurt and how many enlightening brains have been poisoned?"
By evening, the daughter could not stand any longer. She called her mother and complained tearfully.
From the mother's voice when she was telling me about her daughter's experience, I could feel her agitation and anger. Then, she hung up.
DAP Ipoh Timor MP Lim Kit Siang disclosed a letter from a parent yesterday.
In the letter, the writer said her daughter has been successful in getting a scholarship from the Public Service Department. It is compulsory for her daughter to attend a course.
In the letter, the writer said her daughter has been successful in getting a scholarship from the Public Service Department. It is compulsory for her daughter to attend a course.
The course lecturer was from Biro Tata Negara and I believe you are clear of the institution's reputation and record.
The lecturer told his students that non-Malays should not question Malay privileges. Instead, they must be grateful that Malays give them citizenship and a place to stay.
He even instructed Malay students not to make friends with non-Malays.
The lecturer told his students that non-Malays should not question Malay privileges. Instead, they must be grateful that Malays give them citizenship and a place to stay.
He even instructed Malay students not to make friends with non-Malays.
I think you can imagine how non-Malay students felt at that moment. Even some Malay students have been frightened and cried.
I wonder whether the two incidents involved the same lecturer. And whether there are only two similar incidents? I believe there are more.
Such extreme racist remarks have repeatedly been heard in various governmental courses and schools at all levels.
Such extreme racist remarks have repeatedly been heard in various governmental courses and schools at all levels.
How many young souls have been hurt and how many enlightening brains have been poisoned?
Umno apologised for its Division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail's remarks. But there are hundreds of others similar to Ahmad Ismail around us who sow the seeds of hatred among races.
Racial politics and monolingualism have created numerous people like Ahmad, the lecturer mentioned above, as well as their followers.
Umno apologised for its Division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail's remarks. But there are hundreds of others similar to Ahmad Ismail around us who sow the seeds of hatred among races.
Racial politics and monolingualism have created numerous people like Ahmad, the lecturer mentioned above, as well as their followers.
Please stop it before the country is destroyed. What we need are understanding and tolerance, not hatred and confrontation.
(I hope that the mother mentioned above could send me an e-mail to give the details of the incident and names of those involved. So that I can pass the information to related agencies for investigation. We must take actions to make changes.) (By TAY TIAN YAN/ Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/ Sin Chew Daily)
(I hope that the mother mentioned above could send me an e-mail to give the details of the incident and names of those involved. So that I can pass the information to related agencies for investigation. We must take actions to make changes.) (By TAY TIAN YAN/ Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/ Sin Chew Daily)
Comments (40)
...written by binarytan, September 05, 2008 23:10:15
That is the problem that education and our judiciary system been politized. UMNO the nazism ideology should be sent to hell. Just when is PR taking over? my neck is getting longer each day. Kerismuddin still critizing perak nizar over the land for chinese society. What the hell is UMNO good at? How about the shameful semi value who robbed the land from Indian community? Do you classify him as a good leader? He is a typical bustard and blood sucker. How about the Ahmad monkey? Let us send UMNO to hell.
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That is the problem that education and our judiciary system been politized. UMNO the nazism ideology should be sent to hell. Just when is PR taking over? my neck is getting longer each day. Kerismuddin still critizing perak nizar over the land for chinese society. What the hell is UMNO good at? How about the shameful semi value who robbed the land from Indian community? Do you classify him as a good leader? He is a typical bustard and blood sucker. How about the Ahmad monkey? Let us send UMNO to hell.
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..written by lamakawan, September 05, 2008 23:10:20
There is this case of a young father accompanying his son to a education fair set up by the higher education authorities to publicise their courses in the various public universities. With copies of the son's results he approached an officer who is of the same race and asked for details on some courses his son is interested in. He was given information that not many applicants were for the medical course his son was interested in. He was also informed there are scholarships available for the courses. Another officer nearby told his son not to apply because his son will have very little chance of succeeding. They were reserved for Bumiputra's.
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There is this case of a young father accompanying his son to a education fair set up by the higher education authorities to publicise their courses in the various public universities. With copies of the son's results he approached an officer who is of the same race and asked for details on some courses his son is interested in. He was given information that not many applicants were for the medical course his son was interested in. He was also informed there are scholarships available for the courses. Another officer nearby told his son not to apply because his son will have very little chance of succeeding. They were reserved for Bumiputra's.
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...written by Sam W, September 05, 2008 23:20:44
It is an acknowledged fact that the pendatang Chinese pay 90% of the tax revenue in this country. And yet 90% if this tax money is utilised for whom? Even first world countries try to attract immigrants to support their population, especially those countries with an aging population. If they call the Chinese immigrants, there's no shame in being immigrants. The shame is on those segments of the population that need to be supported by the hard work and sweat of immigrants. I can walk with my head held high knowing I pay my own way. Can those of you, whom the government cares for from the womb to the tomb, hold your head up?
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...written by varvoom, September 05, 2008 23:22:23
Maybe Malaysia can have a referendum to see whether the different races can live together, the Malays who prefer to live only with their own race can have most of Malaysia, set aside and resurrect the strait settlement states for the races who would like to live together. This will be a win win situation for all races, no more racial problem.
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...written by apa jadi, September 05, 2008 23:23:43
Nothing new. This kind of racist lecturer is abound in BTN. It has been reported a few years ago. Why only now everyone raising the voice on form 4 history, this racist remark, deman for apology? Watch it, if this kind of thing is still condoned by BN, the BTN will one day become the Gestapo of Malaysia.
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Nothing new. This kind of racist lecturer is abound in BTN. It has been reported a few years ago. Why only now everyone raising the voice on form 4 history, this racist remark, deman for apology? Watch it, if this kind of thing is still condoned by BN, the BTN will one day become the Gestapo of Malaysia.
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...written by ohie, September 05, 2008 23:28:10
I think comman citizen of malaysia are all hormonized,just that the politic ones a finding a topic to go forward..we , malaysian goin to halal seafood restaurants, nasi kandar, nasi melayu..***** stall and so on..so, already 51 years merdeka..and much much early we have live together, u think we dont understand each other culture..in short, all those racist remark and agenda are the works of politicians, what do u think?..
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I think comman citizen of malaysia are all hormonized,just that the politic ones a finding a topic to go forward..we , malaysian goin to halal seafood restaurants, nasi kandar, nasi melayu..***** stall and so on..so, already 51 years merdeka..and much much early we have live together, u think we dont understand each other culture..in short, all those racist remark and agenda are the works of politicians, what do u think?..
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...written by PakItam, September 05, 2008 23:31:04
Shame on those Malays. If this is what it means to be a Malay, then I don't ever want to be associated with any part of it. And they had the cheek to call themselves Muslims. "We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other)." Quran(49:13) "And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your tongues and colors; most surely there are signs in this for the learned." Quran(30:22) And in his Last Sermon, Prophet Muhammad preached: "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white - except by piety (Taqwa) and good action."
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Shame on those Malays. If this is what it means to be a Malay, then I don't ever want to be associated with any part of it. And they had the cheek to call themselves Muslims. "We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other)." Quran(49:13) "And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your tongues and colors; most surely there are signs in this for the learned." Quran(30:22) And in his Last Sermon, Prophet Muhammad preached: "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white - except by piety (Taqwa) and good action."
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...written by yy88, September 05, 2008 23:36:44
The above incident was not common fifty years ago. We are back tracking in our social cohesion because for every one of our fellow malay brother enlightened, there are tens brainwashed and sow the seeds of racialism at their tender age by the UMNO controlled propaganda biased media and the disoriented education system. More damages were done when racist "leaders" raise their kris and play the racist card to win support. Beware our fellow brothers, racialism had been used as a tool to exploit the malay race to abstain themselves from socialising to exchange knowledge to know the truth. As long as there exist antagonism between the races , there are opportunities to provide protection, there would be loopholes for them to continue to rape the country. UMNO had used racialism for the pretense of ketuanan melayu. Ketuanan melayu had reclused the malay community.UMNO is foresaking the responsibility of the malay progress, but enriching the Umnoputras. With internet against the UMNO controlled media, the tide is against them. 08 March and PP are signs of their loosing battle. We do not want to only win the battles against racialism, but we want to win the war for Bangsa Malaysia.
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The above incident was not common fifty years ago. We are back tracking in our social cohesion because for every one of our fellow malay brother enlightened, there are tens brainwashed and sow the seeds of racialism at their tender age by the UMNO controlled propaganda biased media and the disoriented education system. More damages were done when racist "leaders" raise their kris and play the racist card to win support. Beware our fellow brothers, racialism had been used as a tool to exploit the malay race to abstain themselves from socialising to exchange knowledge to know the truth. As long as there exist antagonism between the races , there are opportunities to provide protection, there would be loopholes for them to continue to rape the country. UMNO had used racialism for the pretense of ketuanan melayu. Ketuanan melayu had reclused the malay community.UMNO is foresaking the responsibility of the malay progress, but enriching the Umnoputras. With internet against the UMNO controlled media, the tide is against them. 08 March and PP are signs of their loosing battle. We do not want to only win the battles against racialism, but we want to win the war for Bangsa Malaysia.
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...written by apa jadi, September 05, 2008 23:48:07
PakItam, There nothing to shame on these BTN lecturers. They were recruited to do their job to instill racist into the young mind. Think about it without the ruling government's bless, will they have the audacity to say it in the open, and in every lecture? Who started all these? When was it started? Ask Mahatail. It is just a prelude to forming a Nazi party brainwashing camp. P/S Superadmin, the comment login/timeout is really sh*T. One moment we are denied comment because it timed out. Another moment, we are again denied comment, for suspected Spam. Please improve on this.
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...written by Fatcat, September 06, 2008 00:14:26
It is imperative that We weed out these racist and send them to Mongolia. i have malay friends and i believe they are good people. the UMno leadership is a bad example and should not be allowed to represent the malay race. All Malaysians have to unite to get rid of these racist or face huge problems in the future for our kids and future generations. Malaysia will be bankrupt in a decade if these monkeys hold on to power thru wastage, corruption, lining their pockets with rakyats money, ultimately all malaysians will lose out. Speak up and tell the BN to **** OFF. NOW. I do not think UMNO or BN will change if nothing drastic is done, they are too busy protecting their golden rice bowl.. greed is an all powerful motive, Bn is too busy covering their backsides to be concerned about the ordinary rakyats welfare. Our present gomen is such an embarrassment to Malaysia.. Speak UP support change for the sake of your future generations. For me, another 20 years and i will be dead but my family and YOURS, Malay, chinese, indian or lain lain will live on and their happiness and well being depends on what we do now...http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?6ai18u26
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It is imperative that We weed out these racist and send them to Mongolia. i have malay friends and i believe they are good people. the UMno leadership is a bad example and should not be allowed to represent the malay race. All Malaysians have to unite to get rid of these racist or face huge problems in the future for our kids and future generations. Malaysia will be bankrupt in a decade if these monkeys hold on to power thru wastage, corruption, lining their pockets with rakyats money, ultimately all malaysians will lose out. Speak up and tell the BN to **** OFF. NOW. I do not think UMNO or BN will change if nothing drastic is done, they are too busy protecting their golden rice bowl.. greed is an all powerful motive, Bn is too busy covering their backsides to be concerned about the ordinary rakyats welfare. Our present gomen is such an embarrassment to Malaysia.. Speak UP support change for the sake of your future generations. For me, another 20 years and i will be dead but my family and YOURS, Malay, chinese, indian or lain lain will live on and their happiness and well being depends on what we do now...http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?6ai18u26
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...written by Hakim Joe, September 06, 2008 00:57:46
If this lecturer dares to stand in front of his students and say what he said, I can rightfully affirm that this UMNO-lover is not scared of his identity being established and the ramifications of his words. Well, for those in the know, please publish his name online so that a police report can be made against this so-called lecturer charging him with the Sedition Act. Upon conviction, maybe he can be a rabble-rouser in jail (where he rightfully belongs). Take away his privilege as a lecturer and take away his pension as well. Why support racism?
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If this lecturer dares to stand in front of his students and say what he said, I can rightfully affirm that this UMNO-lover is not scared of his identity being established and the ramifications of his words. Well, for those in the know, please publish his name online so that a police report can be made against this so-called lecturer charging him with the Sedition Act. Upon conviction, maybe he can be a rabble-rouser in jail (where he rightfully belongs). Take away his privilege as a lecturer and take away his pension as well. Why support racism?
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...written by penangboi, September 06, 2008 01:05:23
Biro Tatanegara operates out from the Prime Minister's Department. Now, what has our PM got to say about this incident, which by the way, is not isolated. Infact when I first heard of this 3 years ago from a friend who is a teacher, I highlighted it to my local MP but unfortunately there were no responses at all. So, Pak Lah, you claimed that you are PM for ALL Malaysians, what have you got to say now. Will you speak up against such racism or will you again say that the lecturer 'didn't mean it'. I am both angered and saddened by this incident. The country has truly descended into the deepest abyss of no return.
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Biro Tatanegara operates out from the Prime Minister's Department. Now, what has our PM got to say about this incident, which by the way, is not isolated. Infact when I first heard of this 3 years ago from a friend who is a teacher, I highlighted it to my local MP but unfortunately there were no responses at all. So, Pak Lah, you claimed that you are PM for ALL Malaysians, what have you got to say now. Will you speak up against such racism or will you again say that the lecturer 'didn't mean it'. I am both angered and saddened by this incident. The country has truly descended into the deepest abyss of no return.
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...written by denkoh, September 06, 2008 01:14:14
Even the real indigenous people of Malaysia don't say such a thing. malays were migrants too ya know.
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Even the real indigenous people of Malaysia don't say such a thing. malays were migrants too ya know.
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...written by mrbean, September 06, 2008 01:15:39
they are only interested to persecute the non-malays.. what the f do they care about the country? UMNO = NAZI MALAYSIA They hide behind the shroud of religion and race to do this... sounds similar with what Hitler did sometime ago....
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they are only interested to persecute the non-malays.. what the f do they care about the country? UMNO = NAZI MALAYSIA They hide behind the shroud of religion and race to do this... sounds similar with what Hitler did sometime ago....
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...written by gorshan, September 06, 2008 01:19:02
written by PASOK, September 05, 2008 23:29:55 I hate africans dear PASOK the orang asli are descendant of african who settled down in malaya 60000 years ago. your forefather,be he malay or kedayan or kelabit or dusun or iban or chinese only came to these shore some 3000 years back so please go back to the land of your forefather in yunnan in china if you hate africans so much.
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written by PASOK, September 05, 2008 23:29:55 I hate africans dear PASOK the orang asli are descendant of african who settled down in malaya 60000 years ago. your forefather,be he malay or kedayan or kelabit or dusun or iban or chinese only came to these shore some 3000 years back so please go back to the land of your forefather in yunnan in china if you hate africans so much.
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...written by redwine, September 06, 2008 02:48:38
aku rasakan ni semua polemik BN. depa mmg nak 13 mei jadi balik supaya pembangkang x take over kerajaan. malay n chinese n indian, please beware. ni semua kerja umno gila. jangan sebabkan umno, kita yang nak bertetak. Kita mesti cool. biar umno jer layan racial dorang.
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...written by MalaysianUnited, September 06, 2008 03:05:20
denkoh, Malay pun indigenous..siapa yang bina ketamadunan di Lembah Bujang???... Sebelum Parameswara membuka Melaka, telah ada penempatan kampung2 Melayu di sekitar Melaka..
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denkoh, Malay pun indigenous..siapa yang bina ketamadunan di Lembah Bujang???... Sebelum Parameswara membuka Melaka, telah ada penempatan kampung2 Melayu di sekitar Melaka..
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...written by samesamemam, September 06, 2008 03:09:41
According to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, religion, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.’ The Government of Malaysia has not ratified the ICERD, putting it in the company of countries like Singapore, Myanmar, North Korea and Brunei, to name a few which have not ratified up. Of the so-called ‘Islamic countries’ (given that Islam does not support racial discrimination), Malaysia only has Brunei for company. Any government that does not ratify ICERD is a government that supports racism and racial discrimination.
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According to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, religion, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.’ The Government of Malaysia has not ratified the ICERD, putting it in the company of countries like Singapore, Myanmar, North Korea and Brunei, to name a few which have not ratified up. Of the so-called ‘Islamic countries’ (given that Islam does not support racial discrimination), Malaysia only has Brunei for company. Any government that does not ratify ICERD is a government that supports racism and racial discrimination.
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...written by kavidibaku, September 06, 2008 05:20:07
MALAYSIANUNITED, "Malay pun indigenous..siapa yang bina ketamadunan di Lembah Bujang???... Sebelum Parameswara membuka Melaka, telah ada penempatan kampung2 Melayu di sekitar Melaka". U GAGAL SEJARAH KE?
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...written by MeePokMan, September 06, 2008 05:41:09
Every day that I read about racism in this country, my heart sank a little lower. The problem is deeper than it seems and the end is nowhere in sight. It would reach a tipping point and the country could collapse with bloodshed. Those "immigrant" who can afford to leave Malaysia had found greener pastures outside. Sad sad.
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Every day that I read about racism in this country, my heart sank a little lower. The problem is deeper than it seems and the end is nowhere in sight. It would reach a tipping point and the country could collapse with bloodshed. Those "immigrant" who can afford to leave Malaysia had found greener pastures outside. Sad sad.
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...written by Anak Desa, September 06, 2008 06:09:36
Dear Folks, This pathetic racism has been going on for ages in BTN and to leseer extend in other leaderships camps organised by the ministry of youth and sports before.The taxpayers has been funding the the UMNO Goverment and the other BN parties didnt even raised such incidents for the fear of upsetting the UMNO elites.In 1985 , I had attended a leadership camp organised by MAYC at Morib's Buluh Perindu where on the 1st day of check in the evening,the participants were called with degoratory names and unpleasant words.This is only a gist of the racism but BTN is a camp where the systematic brain washing is implemented. Th ai is why the Malay Malaysian especially UMNO putras ,dont like the "term" Malaysia Malaysian as they are brainwashed from young that the word is only for Malays.
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Dear Folks, This pathetic racism has been going on for ages in BTN and to leseer extend in other leaderships camps organised by the ministry of youth and sports before.The taxpayers has been funding the the UMNO Goverment and the other BN parties didnt even raised such incidents for the fear of upsetting the UMNO elites.In 1985 , I had attended a leadership camp organised by MAYC at Morib's Buluh Perindu where on the 1st day of check in the evening,the participants were called with degoratory names and unpleasant words.This is only a gist of the racism but BTN is a camp where the systematic brain washing is implemented. Th ai is why the Malay Malaysian especially UMNO putras ,dont like the "term" Malaysia Malaysian as they are brainwashed from young that the word is only for Malays.
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...written by Malaysiaku, September 06, 2008 06:35:38
It is the Govt's fault. Racism especially from public servants should be hauled up and sacked, their names published in the Media for all to despise. The fact that the Govt is taking a very light view of this is tantamouont to them condoning and even perhaps be seen as advocating racism in Malaysia. These advocates of the devil are trying to brainwash the young to hate others...not unlike Hitler. This is the time to change any racist Govt and all parties still supporting a racist Govt should be seen as corrupted and doing it for their own selfish reasons. Why other reasons can there be? Look at them and their families with contempt and disdain.
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It is the Govt's fault. Racism especially from public servants should be hauled up and sacked, their names published in the Media for all to despise. The fact that the Govt is taking a very light view of this is tantamouont to them condoning and even perhaps be seen as advocating racism in Malaysia. These advocates of the devil are trying to brainwash the young to hate others...not unlike Hitler. This is the time to change any racist Govt and all parties still supporting a racist Govt should be seen as corrupted and doing it for their own selfish reasons. Why other reasons can there be? Look at them and their families with contempt and disdain.
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...written by MalaysianUnited, September 06, 2008 06:36:21
KAVIDIBAKU, baca ini.. 1)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lembah_Bujang 2)http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kedah_Tua 3)http://www.idazuwaika.com/articles/vik002.pdf Ambil dari petikan idazuwaika.. Here I believe that is worthy of note to mention that Kedah, was formerly known as Kadaram was founded too by a Hindu king, known as Merong Mahawangsa. The influence of Hindu-Buddhism in ancient Kedah is undeniable as numerous archielogical evidence have been recovered and extensively researched by Col. Low and Dr. Quaritch Wales.For the more enthusiastic historians, further evidence of Hindu Malay kingdoms in ancient Malaya can be found in a number of museums in Malaysia, such as the Beruas Museum and the Bujang Valley Archaeological Museum which displays artefacts recovered from ancient Hindu-Buddhist Malay kingdoms, some believed to be as early as 300 A.D. SAPA FAIL SEJARAH WEIIII????...baik mengaku cepat.
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...written by Proarte, September 06, 2008 07:10:50
The idea that the Malays are indigenous is a lie. The Orang Asli are indigenous. The British 'constructed' the idea of the Malay as indigenous even giving them "Sultans' who were defenders of the race and Islam. They even formulated state constitutions for political expediency. We all know that the 'Sultans' had a British advisor or Resident who called the shots. Malays are a political construct. The whole concept of 'Ketuanan Melayu and Ketuanan Islam' is a British scam. No decent human being will proudly declare themselves the 'Chosen People' with 'Hak Istimewa'. In this respect Malay supremacists are no different to the Zionists
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The idea that the Malays are indigenous is a lie. The Orang Asli are indigenous. The British 'constructed' the idea of the Malay as indigenous even giving them "Sultans' who were defenders of the race and Islam. They even formulated state constitutions for political expediency. We all know that the 'Sultans' had a British advisor or Resident who called the shots. Malays are a political construct. The whole concept of 'Ketuanan Melayu and Ketuanan Islam' is a British scam. No decent human being will proudly declare themselves the 'Chosen People' with 'Hak Istimewa'. In this respect Malay supremacists are no different to the Zionists
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...written by MalaysianUnited, September 06, 2008 07:16:04
KAVIDIBAKU, Anda boleh nak kata ProtoMalay datang dari Yunan, New Guinea, Taiwan..tapi itu SEMUA THEORY!!.. Apa yang saya bangkitkan ialah sejarah yang berada di depan mata kita. Sejarah yang membuktikan melalui struktur binaan dan ketamadunan yang tidak boleh disanggah melalui pencapaian akal dan pembentukan teori semata-mata. Sejarah yang tidak boleh ditipu lagi oleh sesiapa.. Pemukiman ketamadunan awal orang Melayu menunjukkan siapa yang selama ini menjaga Selat Melaka dan laluan rempah sebelum penjajah merampasnya. Tak kan segala usaha pembinaan kerajaan awal ini anda mahu menafikannya pula??.. Kalau anda nak cakap tentang Teori orang Afrika: orang awal di muka bumi ini..maka, yang berhak digelar Bumiputera ialah orang Afrika!! Lantas, kita perlu berubah ini..agak2 mana kita nak pergi yea???..
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KAVIDIBAKU, Anda boleh nak kata ProtoMalay datang dari Yunan, New Guinea, Taiwan..tapi itu SEMUA THEORY!!.. Apa yang saya bangkitkan ialah sejarah yang berada di depan mata kita. Sejarah yang membuktikan melalui struktur binaan dan ketamadunan yang tidak boleh disanggah melalui pencapaian akal dan pembentukan teori semata-mata. Sejarah yang tidak boleh ditipu lagi oleh sesiapa.. Pemukiman ketamadunan awal orang Melayu menunjukkan siapa yang selama ini menjaga Selat Melaka dan laluan rempah sebelum penjajah merampasnya. Tak kan segala usaha pembinaan kerajaan awal ini anda mahu menafikannya pula??.. Kalau anda nak cakap tentang Teori orang Afrika: orang awal di muka bumi ini..maka, yang berhak digelar Bumiputera ialah orang Afrika!! Lantas, kita perlu berubah ini..agak2 mana kita nak pergi yea???..
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...written by MalaysianUnited, September 06, 2008 07:44:21
Proarte, Mengambil kes ICJ-Sipadan dan Ligitan, bukti2 yang dipakai untuk kes ini kebanyakannya dirujuk daripada kerajaan2 maritim melayu tempatan dahulu..ini membuktikan dalam pengakuan hak, pemerintahan dan ketamadunan awal juga diambil kira. Kemudian, kenapa dalam kes ICJ ini tiada diambil bukti dari orang2 asli atau asal(merujuk kepada bumi Sabah)..??.. Perkataan 'Ketuanan Melayu' hanya muncul dan digunakan dalam dekat selepas kemerdekaan sahaja..tiada kaitan dengan orang2 British. Maka, terimalah sahaja orang Melayu memang bumiputera kepada tanah ini. Namun hakikat ini bukan bermaksud orang Melayu boleh sesuka hati merampas hak kaum lain dengan alasan bahawa tanah ini milik bumiputera.
Proarte, Mengambil kes ICJ-Sipadan dan Ligitan, bukti2 yang dipakai untuk kes ini kebanyakannya dirujuk daripada kerajaan2 maritim melayu tempatan dahulu..ini membuktikan dalam pengakuan hak, pemerintahan dan ketamadunan awal juga diambil kira. Kemudian, kenapa dalam kes ICJ ini tiada diambil bukti dari orang2 asli atau asal(merujuk kepada bumi Sabah)..??.. Perkataan 'Ketuanan Melayu' hanya muncul dan digunakan dalam dekat selepas kemerdekaan sahaja..tiada kaitan dengan orang2 British. Maka, terimalah sahaja orang Melayu memang bumiputera kepada tanah ini. Namun hakikat ini bukan bermaksud orang Melayu boleh sesuka hati merampas hak kaum lain dengan alasan bahawa tanah ini milik bumiputera.
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