Ini adalah artikel dari Malaysia Today pada 31 Ogos 2008.
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The Politics of race
Posted by Super Admin
Sunday, 31 August 2008 14:48
It is not insignificant that in almost any discussion about public life in Malaysia, be it the state of the civil service, the education system or economic development, to name a few areas, the matter of race will invariably feature.
Race, its implications and its consequences permeate through our lives, and shape them, in a way that is unparalleled anywhere else in the world.To some, this may be a matter of pride or satisfaction for reflecting the so-called success of a race-relations model aimed at addressing iniquities between the various ethnic communities. Others ask how else are we to govern ourselves in a way that ensures that the interests of the various ethnicities are sufficiently protected. And yet to others, the current floundering state of Malaysia is proof enough of the damage that an undue emphasis on race in public policy has wrought.Whatever the case, this is an issue of critical relevance to us, so much so that some would argue that race relations policy in this country, such as it is, puts our continued sustainability in doubt. This is a viewpoint that is not devoid of basis. The influence of race-based decision-making, either directly or indirectly, is so far reaching that in some quarters meritocracy has for some time been viewed negatively and rejected as a basis for action. This has had an impact not just on our identity and cohesiveness as a society. On a more practical level, though race does not define merit one way or the other, we no longer have the best and brightest Malaysians where the nation needs them the most. As a consequence, the proverbial system has become so inherently incapable that it undermines our continued ability to compete in an increasingly challenging world even as it has led to a fracturing of Malaysian society.
READ MORE HERE: http://www.projectmalaysia.org/collections/2008/08/theme/The_Politics_of_race_full.html
Comments (22)
...written by ahmadneil, August 31, 2008 15:04:18
The father of Racist is umno and Mahathir.
...written by penangboi, August 31, 2008 15:33:35
I am interested in putting in a tender for a government project for I believe I can submit an offer which is very competitive and offers a truly money-for-value proposition. But I can't because I am non-bumi. Er, but my partner is a Malay. No, we want 100% bumi status. I have worked for 30 plus years in this great Malaysian Bank. My experience in my field has been acknowledged even by my immediate superior. But when a vacancy for a managerial positon arises, I was informed that my Malay subordinate who has only 5 years of working experience garnered has been approved by Bank Negara for the job. Why, I pleaded. Er, you know-lah. You are not a bumi. I studied hard. I put in lots of hours everyday. My Dad keeps reminding me that education is the key to the door that opens up all opportunities for me. The results are out. I am ecstatic. I hit the jackpot. I got all A's. I applied for a scholarship with the government, and was turned down. My Malay classmate told me later that he also applied for the scholarship and was offerred a fully-sponsored place in a foreign country. He scored half of what I did. When I joined the civil service I believed I made a right choice. I am giving back to my country in the form of offering my service to build the nation. I dutifully log in and out everyday at work. Then I noticed my mostly Malay colleagues also dutifully log in and out as me. But after logging in, they disappear off to the cafeteria for 'minum'. And when they come back they spend another hour reading the papers. Lunch time is always more than the allocated hour and often extended so that the kids can be picked up from school first. And there seem to be endless seminars and courses they have to attend. And I am still wondering why most of them have been promoted above me even though I put in more hours than they do. NO, MALAYSIA IS NOT A RACIST NATION AND THERE IS NO RACIAL PROBLEMS IN MALAYSIA.
...written by avj, August 31, 2008 15:42:28
The father of racism in Malaysia is M Mathier. He was ashamed of the keturunan of his father and embraced that of another,championed their kekuatan,weakened them and created the sad situation we are in now.
...written by Margeemar, August 31, 2008 15:45:59
Umno depends on racism and religious fanatism to remain relevant...More http://margeeamr.blogspot.com/
...written by lamakawan, August 31, 2008 15:49:14
This politics of race has been propagated by BN UMNO for too long to such an extent that they turn a deaf ear to the peoples voice. That is the voice of March 8th, when the poeple expressly told them that is enough of politics of race.
...written by PAKRAK, August 31, 2008 16:30:15
Simple examples are Govt. agencies/depts., Armed Forces and PDRM. Why must there be a higher quota intake of malays than the rest and promotions are scarce? Racist does not only exist in these fields but also prejudice.
...written by Tompios, August 31, 2008 17:09:15
Politic is a base of a nation. Without spirit of politic we cannot forming a nation, government and community among us. But, when politic based on party conquered the genuine politic among our community then chaos including disharmony will appear! Party politic called UMNO is the destroyer of our nation Malaysia.
...written by mikewang, August 31, 2008 17:16:05
I've always told my children. When you graduate, never work in the Malaysian civil service. It's not a place where you can be recognised for being the best. Even a foreign government south of our border treats Malaysians better especially if you care to forgo your nationality to be one of them.
...written by ahmadneil, August 31, 2008 17:29:26
penangboi,I have a lousy truck and while my malay friends use to sent them to Puspacom to be tested every six month,I don't,All i have to do is ask my runner to give the tester RM200 and the lousy truck got a clean bill. The other day at the general hospital,I brought along one my workers who was injured in the leg and need a X ray.There was along queue but I don't need to queue,all I do was to go in and tell the malay guys handling the X ray machine that I want to do it first becos I have to go for lunch.I push a RM50 bucks into his side pocket and I was attended to immediately. I live in a nice house with big gardens.I don't have to employ full time gardeners becos I don't need to and it cost more .All I have to do is get those landscaping workers who are working for the council to come every month, while on the council's pay rolls,to do my garden and it's first class job with 9th class pay and on top of that I don't need to buy fertilizer,plants,flowers etc.All these are free after all I do pay yearly assessment.Don't forget these council workers will help you to get some of his colleagues to earn side income during friday.So Malaysia can BOLEH!
...written by Nyghtsky, August 31, 2008 17:30:34
I agree with Tompics that without politics, we cannot form a nation; however, it is not only UMNO, but its crony leaders of MCA and MIC who are equally corrupt and the sodomiser of our country. Corruption and cronyism knows no race nor religion! Thus, it is not the issue of Ketuanan Melayu that the non-muslim rakyat have got to fear, but rather the Ketuanan UMNO/ BN. This corrupt leaders needs to be put down before they can bring about further racial disharmony; Pakatan Rakyat is preaching Racial Unity and Ketuanan Rakyat, one which we all look forward to. Happy Merdeka Day to all and Selamat Berpuasa to all our muslim brothers and sisters. Long Live RPK, DSAI and the Malaysian Rakyat!
...written by Lim Lim, August 31, 2008 17:57:53
where do u find the logic n relevancy?? the PM called for national n racial 'UNITY' while his umno/BN survives on racial "DISUNITY" so that they could steal n rob big time!!isn't this making him sound like jus a bunch of 'bull'???
...written by glock17, August 31, 2008 18:03:04
OMNOPUTRAS the regime which officially represents :- Evil Regime Mega Corruptive Racist Ethno Supremacist Corruptive Blind-Narrow Minded Ethno Nationalist Religious Facist Judiciary Manipulations Divide and Conquer Abusing Goverment Machinery Propaganda and Absolute Lies Mythological Social Contract Un-Democratic Power Abuse Nepotism Cronism Political Rent Seekers Disrespect Of HumanRights (and also Universal Animal Rights) Threat and Bully (religiously, ethnically, etc.) Clampdown Freedom of Speech and Religion Public Humilation Also, creating an enviromen of fear such as Boogeyman, Pesky Minorities, Pigs, Christo-Jewish Cospiracy, etc. etc, etc. Thats why most of all honest, hard working and law abiding citizens in Boleh Land are so fxxk - up as long as Omnoputras hold on to their dirty evil power in the goverment. Most of all....thanks to the 22 years of Dr. Mam x k Kutee for such a legendary shit he left us !!!! G17
...written by deemah, August 31, 2008 18:18:33
Mikewang, You are a ungrateful person. Go pack your bags together with your entire family and go live anywhere in the world. don't ever come back. I may not agree with what is going on in this country, but I sure love this country and I have travelled the world over. Open your eyes.
...written by Nyghtsky, August 31, 2008 18:49:53
My parents are both retired Civil Servants; My sister did not get into medicine at USM because of quota, yet she served in a Govt hospital for more than a decade after she graduated from overseas. Years ago, my father had a heart attack and if not for his medical benefits as a govt servant.. I seriously believe we'd be in heavy debt in terms of his hospital bills till tis very day. Today, his heart and diabetic medication runs into the hundreds of ringgit monthly, but he's only required to pay a token sum for it. I'm against corrupt officials and govt leaders of our country and this includes Malays, Chinese and Indians who practise racism, cronyism and corruption; but I will never discourage non-muslim younger generation to ever think that they should not serve in civil service or consider migrating to another country. We, born of Malaysia should fight for it and not forgo it just because of a couple of tyrants. Happy Merdeka!
...written by asguard, August 31, 2008 21:13:58
Don't have to say so much on racial relationship it never change add all instead ...it prove to worse than before...
...written by Engineer, August 31, 2008 21:40:41
It is a shame that after 51 yrs UMNO failed to mature. Kinda of a malign brain syndrome.
...written by hakuna, August 31, 2008 22:59:49
"Penangboi" you are spot on. Part of the blame for the state we are in is due to MCA and MIC. They collobrated with UMNO even at the initial stages. So long as their pockets were full they weren't bothered about the rest of us. When terms such as "balik ke Cina, India", "Babi" ,"squatters" etc are used MCA and MIC just turn a deaf ear to it. These idiots when in Parliament don't even realise that the uttering of the terms to the opposition (especially the DAP )includes them as well. Maybe, they like Mahathir, have also forgotten their ancestors.
...written by miwaki, August 31, 2008 23:39:38
penangboy,I'm the opposite of you ! I'm a non malay but because I know the loophole of this so call NEP,I make it big.I got a company 90% bumi status but my bumi partner doesn't contribute a cent . ( Share transfer presigned) and I got plenty of business with crazy profit margin.
...written by mymalaysia, September 01, 2008 01:06:58
MCA, MIC, Gerakan show us that you have the guts - leave BN now. Why the talk and not the action! I think you will do better if you leave BN now. At least you are another independent party which will gain some support. 51 years of Merdeka but this year I don't feel was not in the spirit to celebrate because all that are reported in the media as we all have read and heard about all those racist remarks just could let me find a reason to feel that I am part of Malaysia. In Malaysia, there is no Chinese Malaysian, Indian Malaysian, etc. there is only Chinese, Indian, etc. Even the native of East Malaysia who are suppose to be bumiputra are not viewed as Malaysian just because they are not Malay. That's why they felt so left out by the government. The fact is UMNO only advocates about racial harmony and acknowledge and even extend their offer to help non-Malay during critical moments like General Elections, By-Elections, etc. that needs us to vote for them! No we will not be fool by them any longer! Bravo Permatang Pauh's folks for electing anyone but BN!
...written by Fart Fart Wah, September 01, 2008 01:42:04
51 years of independence and we have apartheid. Malays are bumiputeras 1st class(( mainly UMNO bigots and cronies) Convert and Mtamaks ..1st class after 5 years. Orang Asli's (aborigines) 2nd class Chinese ..called squatters now..2nd class indians...3rd class...sometimes lower than migrant workers who are muslims.. quota...in business 30% must give Malays,(umno) 30% msut be Malays in private sector.(umno) all major licences must go through bumiputera whetting(Umno)...some businessess NO(Umno) MALAY PARTNER..SORRY NO LICENCE.. quota. 3% for indians. 10% chinese in public university..although born and bred in Malaysia ..their MOTHERLAND.. VERY DIFFICULT TO HAVE A NON-MALAY HOLDING THE NO 1 POST IN CIVIL SERVICE OR IN ANY PUBLIC AND EVEN PRIVATE ACEDAMIC INSTITUTION...although Malaysian born and bred here the last 60 years.. CHINESE INDIANS ORANG ASLIS ARE STEP CHILDRENNNNN!!! ANAK TIRI MERDEKA!!!MERDEKA!!!MERDEKA!!! 22 6 years of the Mtamak and UMNO have destroyed racial integration...NOW WE ONLY HEAR KETUANAN MELAYU UMNO..one time the Mtamak was cursing and swearign at the British for consideraing themselves the masters... DO YOU ALL SEE THE HYPOCRISY OF UMNO BIGOTS AND PIGS????
...written by Engineer, September 01, 2008 09:16:48
Deemah, Your comment on Mikewang reflects your shallow level of patriotism. Mikewang has posted his personal opinion and what is so ungrateful about that. Why do you need to ask him to pack. May be you are the one who should pack your bags and go live elsewhere for longer and experience the meaning of human rights and freedom of speech.
...written by Tom n Jerry, September 01, 2008 15:23:23
Malaysians are very racist today;we are brought up this way I think;when I was at a Lighting shop to buy some wall lamps,the towkay ask me about my race;I was obviously shocked but managed to compose myself and answered*I am Hokkien*Realizing my uneasy feeling showing up;she conveniently excused herself by saying she thought I am Japanese!Perhaps she got a different set of prices for Japanese!
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