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from -aslam khan
reply-to -keadilan-power@googlegroups.com
date29 August 2008 17:33
subjectRe: [CHARLES HECTOR] UNISEL Board of Directors - Is Pakatan Rakyat any different ...
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hide details 29 Aug (3 days ago) Reply
Forget about ethnic groups for a few minutes.
Are the four new appointees qualified for the position ? Were they appointed because of their academic or professional achievements ? if answer is yes then close the subject.
Why is there lack of representation of Indian , Chinese , Eurasian , Punjabi , Kadazan , Iban and others ?
Perhaps we should ask the Pakatan leadership to be aware that there maybe very qualified individuals from these
communities as well.
Let is not post questions or provoke comments that will be counter productive. A better way to put forward your concerns would be to have a consultative approach in arriving at a desired solution. The path that we have ahead of us is windy and uphill all the way. We need to have a cohesive team to navigate the Uncharted territory ahead.
Aslam Khan
On 8/29/08, Aneel David Kwrote:
Does any Majlis Tertinggi PKR member or S'gor Exco wish to respond?
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 00:46:26 -0700
From: easytocall@gmail.com
To: charleshector@googlegroups.com
Subject: [CHARLES HECTOR] UNISEL Board of Directors - Is Pakatan Rakyat any different ...
Will Pakatan Rakyat be any different from the Barisan Nasional?
I really wonder when I just saw that 4 persons were just appointed as members of Board of Universiti Industri Selangor (Unisel) - and I noted that they were all from one ethnic group. Then, I went to the UNISEL website, and again I saw that ALL the members of the Board of Directors were again were from one ethnic group only.
This Universiti Industri Selangor (Unisel) is wholly owned by the Selangor State government - now a Pakatan Rakyat government
Selangorians are of different ethnic groups - and maybe, consideration was purely on merit and qualification, and it was only a coincidence that ALL the members of the Board of Directors are from one ethnic group.
I have also noted earlier that all the Mayors and the Heads of the Local Councils in Selangor are also from ONE ethnic group - maybe again it was based on the merits, and there were no one from any other ethnic groups that had the required qualification.
I believe in choossing the best person for the job - BUT the facts mentioned above makes me wonder whether such was the case - or was it an act of positive discrimination in favour of one ethnic group.
When Pakatan Rakyat came into being - I hoped that things would change --- but looking at what the Selangor MB and the Pakatan Rakyat State government is doing, it makes me wonder.
I believe that there should be no ethnic or religious considerations in the choice and/or the appointment of the Menteri Besar, Deputy Menteri Besar, Speaker Dewan, State Secretary, Local Council Heads and members, Penghulus, Mayors, PKNS Head and Board members, UNISEL members of the Board... Noting also the multiracial, multi-religious and the multi-cultural nature of the people of Malaysia(Selangor) care must be taken to reflect this in the appointment by the State government.
Unisel Lantik Empat Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Baru
SHAH ALAM, 19 Ogos - Universiti Industri Selangor (Unisel) mendapat empat ahli lembaga pengarah baru berkuatkuasa 14 Ogos lalu.
Empat Ahli Lembaga Pengarah berkenaan ialah Naib Presiden Bahagian Pendidikan Petronas, Datuk Dr Rosti Saruwono, Pengerusi Perunding Bakti Sdn Bhd yang juga bekas Naib Canselor Universiti Putra Malaysia, Dato' Dr Ir Muhamad Zohadie Bardaie, Pengerusi Perisai Petroleum Teknologi Bhd dan bekas Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif SIRIM Berhad, Datuk Dr Mohamed Ariffin Aton serta peguambela dan peguamcara, Faekah Husin.
Ketika mengumumkan pelantikan tersebut, Dato' Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim berkata mereka dilantik berdasarkan pengalaman luas dalam pentadbiran dan pengurusan perkhidmatan akademik.
'Sebagai Ahli Lembaga Pengarah yang baru, mereka bertanggungjawab membantu meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan di Unisel,' katanya dalam sidang media selepas merasmikan Zirkon@7 08 satu pameran seni visual Fakulti Teknologi Seni Lukis dan Seni Reka Industri (FTSSI) Unisel di Galeri Shah Alam petang tadi.
Dengan empat lantikan tambahan itu, Unisel mempunyai 13 Ahli Lembaga Pengarah.
Abdul Khalid berkata pelantikan mereka adalah antara langkah awal kerajaan negeri menjadikan Unisel sebuah universiti yang mempunyai daya saing serta melahirkan graduan yang bersedia bertugas di peringkat antarabangsa.
Sementara itu ketika mengulas mengenai kekosongan kerusi Naib Canselor yang kini dipangku Prof Dr Khalifah Othman, beliau berkata pemilihan akan dibuat oleh satu jawatankuasa yang telah dipilih.
'Sasaran kita ialah sebelum akhir tahun ini,' katanya.
Beliau berkata tiga Timbalan Naib Canselor akademik, hal ehwal pelajar dan pentadbiran juga akan turut dilantik.
'Oleh kerana kita dah ambil mereka-mereka yang mempunyai keupayaan mentadbir universiti, jadi mereka ini boleh memberi pendapat dan berkongsi pengalaman dari segi pemilihan yang terbaik untuk Unisel,' katanya. - NOOR ALLIA KASSIM
from -aslam khan
reply-to -keadilan-power@googlegroups.com
date29 August 2008 17:33
subjectRe: [CHARLES HECTOR] UNISEL Board of Directors - Is Pakatan Rakyat any different ...
mailing list
Signed bygooglegroups.com
hide details 29 Aug (3 days ago) Reply
Forget about ethnic groups for a few minutes.
Are the four new appointees qualified for the position ? Were they appointed because of their academic or professional achievements ? if answer is yes then close the subject.
Why is there lack of representation of Indian , Chinese , Eurasian , Punjabi , Kadazan , Iban and others ?
Perhaps we should ask the Pakatan leadership to be aware that there maybe very qualified individuals from these
communities as well.
Let is not post questions or provoke comments that will be counter productive. A better way to put forward your concerns would be to have a consultative approach in arriving at a desired solution. The path that we have ahead of us is windy and uphill all the way. We need to have a cohesive team to navigate the Uncharted territory ahead.
Aslam Khan
On 8/29/08, Aneel David K
Does any Majlis Tertinggi PKR member or S'gor Exco wish to respond?
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 00:46:26 -0700
From: easytocall@gmail.com
To: charleshector@googlegroups.com
Subject: [CHARLES HECTOR] UNISEL Board of Directors - Is Pakatan Rakyat any different ...
Will Pakatan Rakyat be any different from the Barisan Nasional?
I really wonder when I just saw that 4 persons were just appointed as members of Board of Universiti Industri Selangor (Unisel) - and I noted that they were all from one ethnic group. Then, I went to the UNISEL website, and again I saw that ALL the members of the Board of Directors were again were from one ethnic group only.
This Universiti Industri Selangor (Unisel) is wholly owned by the Selangor State government - now a Pakatan Rakyat government
Selangorians are of different ethnic groups - and maybe, consideration was purely on merit and qualification, and it was only a coincidence that ALL the members of the Board of Directors are from one ethnic group.
I have also noted earlier that all the Mayors and the Heads of the Local Councils in Selangor are also from ONE ethnic group - maybe again it was based on the merits, and there were no one from any other ethnic groups that had the required qualification.
I believe in choossing the best person for the job - BUT the facts mentioned above makes me wonder whether such was the case - or was it an act of positive discrimination in favour of one ethnic group.
When Pakatan Rakyat came into being - I hoped that things would change --- but looking at what the Selangor MB and the Pakatan Rakyat State government is doing, it makes me wonder.
I believe that there should be no ethnic or religious considerations in the choice and/or the appointment of the Menteri Besar, Deputy Menteri Besar, Speaker Dewan, State Secretary, Local Council Heads and members, Penghulus, Mayors, PKNS Head and Board members, UNISEL members of the Board... Noting also the multiracial, multi-religious and the multi-cultural nature of the people of Malaysia(Selangor) care must be taken to reflect this in the appointment by the State government.
Unisel Lantik Empat Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Baru
SHAH ALAM, 19 Ogos - Universiti Industri Selangor (Unisel) mendapat empat ahli lembaga pengarah baru berkuatkuasa 14 Ogos lalu.
Empat Ahli Lembaga Pengarah berkenaan ialah Naib Presiden Bahagian Pendidikan Petronas, Datuk Dr Rosti Saruwono, Pengerusi Perunding Bakti Sdn Bhd yang juga bekas Naib Canselor Universiti Putra Malaysia, Dato' Dr Ir Muhamad Zohadie Bardaie, Pengerusi Perisai Petroleum Teknologi Bhd dan bekas Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif SIRIM Berhad, Datuk Dr Mohamed Ariffin Aton serta peguambela dan peguamcara, Faekah Husin.
Ketika mengumumkan pelantikan tersebut, Dato' Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim berkata mereka dilantik berdasarkan pengalaman luas dalam pentadbiran dan pengurusan perkhidmatan akademik.
'Sebagai Ahli Lembaga Pengarah yang baru, mereka bertanggungjawab membantu meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan di Unisel,' katanya dalam sidang media selepas merasmikan Zirkon@7 08 satu pameran seni visual Fakulti Teknologi Seni Lukis dan Seni Reka Industri (FTSSI) Unisel di Galeri Shah Alam petang tadi.
Dengan empat lantikan tambahan itu, Unisel mempunyai 13 Ahli Lembaga Pengarah.
Abdul Khalid berkata pelantikan mereka adalah antara langkah awal kerajaan negeri menjadikan Unisel sebuah universiti yang mempunyai daya saing serta melahirkan graduan yang bersedia bertugas di peringkat antarabangsa.
Sementara itu ketika mengulas mengenai kekosongan kerusi Naib Canselor yang kini dipangku Prof Dr Khalifah Othman, beliau berkata pemilihan akan dibuat oleh satu jawatankuasa yang telah dipilih.
'Sasaran kita ialah sebelum akhir tahun ini,' katanya.
Beliau berkata tiga Timbalan Naib Canselor akademik, hal ehwal pelajar dan pentadbiran juga akan turut dilantik.
'Oleh kerana kita dah ambil mereka-mereka yang mempunyai keupayaan mentadbir universiti, jadi mereka ini boleh memberi pendapat dan berkongsi pengalaman dari segi pemilihan yang terbaik untuk Unisel,' katanya. - NOOR ALLIA KASSIM
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